Your High Plains Power Board of Directors has elected to participate in an Operation Roundup program. This program has been very successful in many areas of our country.
Its mission is the accumulation and disbursement of funds for charitable purposes within our service territories of Big Horn, Carbon, Fremont, Johnson, Hot Springs, Natrona, Park and Washakie counties. These funds are disbursed to individuals or organizations for food, shelter, clothing, health or educational needs.
Funding for the foundation comes from the Cooperative's members who participate. The process is simple. Members who take part in the program have their electric bills rounded up to the next highest dollar amount with the extra cents going into the foundation. For example, if your bill was $44.39 it would be rounded up to $45 and the 61¢ would be donated to the nonprofit foundation. The most a member could contribute for any single meter per year would be $11.88 (99¢ X 12 months). The average contribution per meter is $6 annually.
There's no need to worry about rounding up your bill if you elect to participate, as our computer will do that for you. Your contributions to Operation Roundup will be shown on the January bill and are tax deductible.
The Operation Roundup foundation has the potential to make an overwhelming difference for the less fortunate throughout our service area. We urge your participation in this program. Your small change, together with other members, can make a big change in our communities.
Jim Miller

The choice is yours. If you choose to contribute, please print and fill out the form below. You may leave it with our customer service representatives, mail it to us with your next bill, or call.
To receive an application call our customer service representatives 307-856-9426 or 1-800-445-0613, or you may click on the appropriate selection below and print your application from this website.